In the last post we installed Nginx in CentOS 7. In this article we will extend our previous how-to and add how to install PHP-fpm and MariaDB. The installation process will be quite easy. Login to your server and type.

In the last post we installed Nginx in CentOS 7. In this article we will extend our previous how-to and add how to install PHP-fpm and MariaDB. The installation process will be quite easy. Login to your server and type.
In the last article we discussed how to backup data in csv format via PHP and command line. In this part we will backup MySQL databases via mysqldump command. I assume you are logged in to your Amazon instance.
In my last article i showed you how to Setup web server on Amazon AMI or CentOS, to continue on that article further i will discuss here how to backup MySQL data into CSV format.
If you are using Amazon aws with ec2 instances, then i assume you already have the pem file to connect to the instances. Normally you will have different instances for your projects.
MySQL have this load data function, where we can insert data to a table from external files like csv, txt etc.
Personally i think, that Linux terminal is very useful application/tool whatever you name it. Yesterday i was restoring a MySQL database size of 5MB via MySQL Administrator application, and it crashed several times.