In the last post we installed Nginx in CentOS 7. In this article we will extend our previous how-to and add how to install PHP-fpm and MariaDB. The installation process will be quite easy. Login to your server and type.
Nginx is a web server like Apache. I will not go to which is better and why one should use it. Google is your friend to find that out. Here we will focus on how to install latest stable version of Nginx in CentOS 7. Login to your server.
Some time your VPS provider wont create swap by default when they launch a new VPS for you. Swap play important role in cache process.
Cron, an Unix term stands for Command Run ON. It is very useful utility in Unix/Linux specially for SysAdmins who might like to schedule different tasks on different times for different purposes.
There are many ways to delete cron mails and empty the inbox which is filled by cron job every time it runs. Some time we are running multiple scripts/files every minute.