Create and Write to a file in PHP
Yes, i know this type of things are written many times. But my approach to it is for the IMAP protocol later. This is the 1st step to start from.
Suppose that $datatrim[0]
is an array holding data from a file/mail/variable/database field etc. One can change it to the desired variable like from database field:
$datatrim = $row->data;
Use trim function to remove white spaces.
// Remove un wanted white spaces
$datatrim = trim($datamain[0]);
// Filename as datetime
$filename = date('dmYHis');
// Locaton to store the file
$filestore = "/var/www/html/test/";
// Check if $datatrim in not null(empty)
if($datatrim != '') {
// Open a file to write to it
$fp=fopen($filestore.$filename, "w+") or die("can't open file");
// Write into the file
fwrite($fp, $datatrim);
// Close the function
else {
echo "Nothing to process!";
More about fwrite from
Happy coding!