Few days ago I wrote about how to start/restart Apache if it is inactive in Ubuntu. Today I am going to share a bash script for CentOS 7. It is mostly the same except for few changes.

Few days ago I wrote about how to start/restart Apache if it is inactive in Ubuntu. Today I am going to share a bash script for CentOS 7. It is mostly the same except for few changes.
Apache may sometime crash or stop for many reasons. I had this issue with one of the server where Let’s Encrypt post hook does not start Apache for whatever reasons.
A year or so ago i wrote how to create PEM file and login to your server with it to take advantage of disabling password based logins.
Objective: To disable password based logins and login only using key based authentication. Will create a pem file which will be used to access the server. OS used is CentOS 7 64bit.
If you have a web server running on Nginx and have a directory which accepts uploading files either from user OR cms. It is always good to have a bit of protection from the server side to deny executing scripts like PHP in that directory.
If you already followed this post and created a Route 53 record for your sub domain, that means we can proceed to add TXT records now.