Some time we need to have a CSV file and store our database data in it for reporting and other things. To create such file on the fly we will need PHP, Apache and MySQL installed which i assume are installed.

Some time we need to have a CSV file and store our database data in it for reporting and other things. To create such file on the fly we will need PHP, Apache and MySQL installed which i assume are installed.
1st of all we need Archive_Tar package to download and install. Download package from here, and run this command in terminal to install it.
Yes, i know this type of things are written many times. But my approach to it is for the IMAP protocol later. This is the 1st step to start from.
So you are looking for a package which extract your files from zip, tar, tar.gz, gz etc. Zip can be done easily with some PHP functions but for tar and other Linux archives we need some library to work with and extract files.
Today i will show you how to install and configure SSH on your Linux sever machine. We need OpenSSH server to install 1st to work on SSH. The process of installation for different distros have different approach.
Linux and Unix based distros have a command which can kill a process or application through terminal or simply can be done in Run applet(KDE) too.