Nginx is a web server like Apache. I will not go to which is better and why one should use it. Google is your friend to find that out. Here we will focus on how to install latest stable version of Nginx in CentOS 7. Login to your server.

Nginx is a web server like Apache. I will not go to which is better and why one should use it. Google is your friend to find that out. Here we will focus on how to install latest stable version of Nginx in CentOS 7. Login to your server.
Some time your VPS provider wont create swap by default when they launch a new VPS for you. Swap play important role in cache process.
Nvidia released a new driver for Linux with many fixes and support for new cards. The main draw for this release is addition of GTX960 support. Supported cards in this release with bug fixes.
No explanation is required what Numix is and who they are. Every one(almost) in Linux world might already know them and their brilliant work, simply put their icons and gtk themes. Both are fantastic.
It happened to me few days back when i try to upload an image via WordPress media library over 1MB of size. WordPress would throw an error HTTP Error
Few days back former Opera browser veteran announced a new browser and it was a bit of surprise.