Change timezone on CentOS 7 server

Some time if you have a server(vps, dedicated) in different timezone where you live, the timezone on the server will be EST(in most cases) OR UTC. Changing it back to your timezone is quite easy. 1st let’s backup the current file. Type date 1st to check your time on the server.

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Install Nodejs in openSUSE 12.3

Nodejs is quite in the news now a days and for good. Let’s not go to details here, straight to install process and get it working. The 1st thing is to fire a terminal and become root by su - . Let’s add a repository for the latest Nodejs packages, default openSUSE repos have Nodejs but old version (.8.12):

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So you have few instances attached to a load balancer on Amazon and want to create a Route 53 entry for it to use the Name Server(NS) entries instead of the load balancer long A record which is not accepted by A record in domains DNS managers.

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The Random Bits

M M Arif
Programmer, Linux user, DevOps engineer, System admin, Husband, Father.
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Principal Software Engineer
