So you have few instances attached to a load balancer on Amazon and want to create a Route 53 entry for it to use the Name Server(NS) entries instead of the load balancer long A record which is not accepted by A record in domains DNS managers.

So you have few instances attached to a load balancer on Amazon and want to create a Route 53 entry for it to use the Name Server(NS) entries instead of the load balancer long A record which is not accepted by A record in domains DNS managers.
Have ever wanted to split a big file or may be a normal file into multiple parts and later join them. Well, in Linux i would say that is quite easy by using split and cat commands in terminal.
So you have github or bitbucket account and repositories setup already. But the problem is if you did not set the user name and email on your machine, most probably you will see Author not mapped with question mark sign.
In Gnome we will use jmtpfs for mounting, which will do most of the jobs. So we no need to use mtpfs or install its libs.
Note: This guide will work in openSUSE 12.2 as well. Share your thoughts about openSUSE 12.2 and KDE in the comments section.
Not new to WordPress, but to be precise this is my 1st plugin for public release. Wrote themes and worked on WordPress quite closely.